By returning to photograph the children years later, she has been able to document the change in their preferences. 通过几年后反馈回来的照片,“JeongMee”能够解释说明孩子们喜好的变化。
Now you must keep the picture and the document in sync whenever a change is made to either one. 必须在对其中任何一个进行修改的时候保持图片和文档同步。
Also, the Reconciler is not incremental, which means that the strategy operates on the entire Document whenever a change occurs. 同样,Reconciler也不是增量的,这意味着一发生改变,该策略就会运行于整个Document之上。
As you create your design, document the processes that will change as well as how those processes will change. 在创建自己的设计时,对将要更改的流程以及更改这些流程的方式编制文档。
The engineering lead is notified once the review is complete, and he can then submit his design document to the change request. 一旦审查结束,工程主管将收到通知,然后他就可以将他的设计文档提交到更改请求。
Document every change that you make, and consult IBM support/ service. 记录您所做的每一次更改操作,并咨询IBM支持/服务。
It is just easier to reorganize the document, change elements into attributes, and skip and insert tags in XSLT than it is to try to come up with a smarter description language. 与设法提出更巧妙的描述语言相比,重新组织文档、将元素更改成属性并在XSLT中跳过和插入标记就方便多了。
Add a new interview result document for this change. 为这项变更添加一个新的面谈结果文件。
Considering that the system will remain in the organization for years or decades and will undergo maintenance, we must use resources that make it easier to document and change it. 考虑到该系统将在组织中保留几年或几十年,并且将接受维护,我们必须利用资源使其记录和修改更容易。
A final point about updating documents is that CouchDB has no concept of a portion of a document changing, only that the document did change. 关于更新文档需要指出的最后一点是:CouchDB没有文档部分更改的概念,只能指出文档的确发生了更改。
You can build all kinds of ODF files from scratch or load an existing document into memory, change it, and save it back again. 您可以从头创建各种ODF文件,或者将一个现有文档加载到内存,修改它并再次保存。
Use this page to change the advanced settings of this document library. You can change the email settings and the event handler for the library. 使用此网页可更改此文档库的高级设置。您可更改该库的电子邮件设置和事件处理程序。
Start this tutorial by opening a document and learning how to change tags for a paragraph and create a style that redefines the appearance a tag. 首先打开一个文档,学习如何改变一个段落的标记,和建立一个样式来重新定义标记的显示。
Document change subscriptions are only allowed on valid discussion servers. 若订阅文档更改,必须使用有效的讨论服务器。
The two week-long Copenhagen conference concluded Saturday in the Danish capital after producing a non-legally binding document on climate change. 为期两周的哥本哈根会议于上周六在丹麦首都落下帷幕,并出台了一项有关气候变化的无法律约束力的文件。
Use the document outline window to change the z-order of the controls. 请使用“文档大纲”窗口更改控件的z顺序。
If you change the contents In one window, all other window contain the same document reflect those change 如果你更改了一个窗口中的内容,包含同一文件的所有其它窗口也会对那些更改作出反映
If you want to transform your document further, you can change the theme colors, theme fonts, or theme effects. 如果要进一步转换您的文档,则可以更改主题颜色、主题字体或主题效果。
Manage and document the change of projects, analyze change requests, devising solutions that seamlessly integrate with the business and technical architecture of the application. 管理和记录有关项目的修改,分析设计修改,提出有关解决方案,并且能够将修改方案平滑无缝地与已有的管理流程和技术架构接轨。
When a document is marked as final, its typing, editing commands, and proofing marks are disabled, and people who view the document cannot inadvertently change the document. 在将文档标记为最终版本后,其键入、编辑命令以及校对标记都会被禁用,以防查看文档的用户不经意地更改该文档。
In case of staff turnover, do you document control of keys or change access code? 员工离职,工厂是否存有记录退还钥匙或更改密码?
This design allows the ViewModel layer to open and close documents using the document manager, and to change the active document without any knowledge of the View. 这种设计使ViewModel层能够使用文档管理器打开和关闭文档以及更改活动文档,而无需了解View。
Document the need for change is a very good Eastern. 对于需要大量更改文件名的人来说是不可多得的好东东。
Each user or group can be given a set of permissions according to the access levels defined by document authors: read, change, or full control. 可以根据文档作者定义的访问级别为每个用户或组指定一组权限:“读取”、“更改”或“完全控制”。
Document change output requirements, including updates to DNS, network map, template, IP addressing, circuit management, and network management. 文档输出需求变化,包括升级DNS,网络图,配置模板,IP地址,链路管理及网络管理。
Compare the calculated results with experimental results and document value and discuss the change regularity of thermodynamic function. 将计算结果与实验结果、文献值进行比较,讨论热力学函数的变化规律。
The method can construct MIME by using the binary resources of DTD, define the type of MIME in the XML document and change data into self-description data. 该方法以DTD的二进制资源表示MIME类型,并在XML文档本身中定义MIME类型,使之成为自我描述的XML格式。
In accordance with legal compliance, electronic document lifecycle change over time, access to real-time rate of change in requirements, design construct that contains attribute class, time class, application-level rating system for triple the value. 按照法律遵从、电子文件生命周期随时间变化,访问率实时变化的要求,设计构建包含属性等级、时间等级、应用等级的三重价值级别体系。
On the other hand, because of the configure to the document flow system especially to the document flow processes made by users. It took away the impacts on the document flow system such as the document category, people change, and the work habit. 另一方面,由于用户可以对公文流转流系统进行配置,特别是对流程的配置,消除了公文类别、人员变动、办公习惯等因素对公文流转系统的影响。